page contains all the research papers which have been written as some
part of the Tinmith project or in our work with mobile outdoor augmented
reality. They are downloadable as PDF files. Please visit Wayne Piekarski's
page for a complete list of his unrelated publications which may not be listed
here. The paper archive directory can also be viewed directly.
Tinmith publication list |
Type |
Reference |
[PDF] | Avery, B., Thomas, B., and Piekarski, W. User Evaluation of See-Through Vision for Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality. In 7th Int'l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. pp 69-72. Cambridge, UK. Sep 2008. |
[PDF] | Stafford, A., Thomas, B. H., and Piekarski, W. Efficiency of Techniques for Mixed-Space Collaborative Navigation. In 7th Int’l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, pp 181-182, Cambridge, UK, Sep 2008. |
[PDF] | Stafford, A., Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H., HOG on a WIM. In IEEE Virtual Reality 2008, pp 289-290, Reno, NV, Mar 2008. |
[PDF] | Avery, B., Piekarski, W., and Thomas, B. Visualizing Occluded Physical Objects in Unfamiliar Outdoor Augmented Reality Environments. In 6th Int'l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. pp 285-286. Nara, Japan. 2007. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Smith, R. Robust Gloves For 3D Interaction In Mobile Outdoor AR Environments. In 5th Int'l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Santa Barbara, Ca, Oct 2006. |
[PDF] | Stafford, A., Piekarski, W., and Thomas, B. H. Implementation of God-like Interaction Techniques For Supporting Collaboration Between Indoor and Outdoor Users. In 5th Int'l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Santa Barbara, Ca, Oct 2006. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. Simple Collaborative Indoor-Outdoor Modelling Using Mobile Augmented Reality. In 1st Int'l Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality, Banff, Canada, May 2006. |
[PDF] | King, G. R., Piekarski, W., and Thomas, B. ARVino - Outdoor Augmented Reality Visualisation of Viticulture GIS Data. In 4th Int'l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Vienna, Austria, Oct 2005. |
[PDF] | Phillips, K. and Piekarski, W. Possession Techniques for Interaction in Real-time Strategy Augmented Reality Games. In ACM Int'l Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Valencia, Spain, Jun 2005. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W., Avery, B., Thomas, B. H., and Malbezin, P. Integrated Head and Hand Tracking for Indoor and Outdoor Augmented Reality. In IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Chicago, Il, Mar 2004. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W., Smith, R., Wigley, G., Thomas, B., and Kearney, D. Mobile Hand Tracking Using FPGAs for Low Powered Augmented Reality. In 8th Int'l Symposium on Wearable Computers, Arlington, Va, Oct 2004. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Augmented Reality Working Planes: A Foundation for Action and Construction at a Distance. In 3rd Int'l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Arlington, Va, Oct 2004. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W., Smith, R., and Thomas, B. H. Designing Backpacks for High Fidelity Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality. In 3rd Int'l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Arlington, Va, Oct 2004. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Interactive Augmented Reality Techniques for Construction at a Distance of 3D Geometry. In Immersive Projection Technology / Eurographics Virtual Environments, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2003. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. ThumbsUp: Integrated Command and Pointer Interactions for Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality Systems. In HCI International, Crete, Greece, June 2003. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W., Avery, B., Thomas, B. H., and Malbezin, P. Hybrid Indoor and Outdoor Tracking for Mobile 3D Mixed Reality. In 2nd Int'l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 2003. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. An Object Oriented Software Architecture for 3D Mixed Reality Applications. In 2nd Int'l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 2003. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Software Architectures for the Development of Interactive Augmented Reality Modelling Applications. In International Workshop on Software Technology for Augmented Reality Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 2003. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Augmented Reality User Interface and Techniques for Outdoor Modelling. In ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey, Ca, Apr 2003. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Tinmith-Hand: Unified User Interface Technology for Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality and Indoor Virtual Reality. In IEEE Virtual Reality, Orlando, Fl, Mar 2002. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Using ARToolKit for 3D Hand Position Tracking in Mobile Outdoor Environments. In 1st Int'l Augmented Reality Toolkit Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, Sep 2002. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Bread Crumbs: A Technique for Modelling Large Outdoor Ground Features. In Int'l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Darmstadt, Germany, Oct 2002. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Tinmith-Metro: New Outdoor Techniques for Creating City Models with an Augmented Reality Wearable Computer. In 5th Int'l Symposium on Wearable Computers, pp 31-38, Zurich, Switzerland, Oct 2001. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Tinmith-evo5 - An Architecture for Supporting Mobile Augmented Reality Environments. In 2nd Int'l Symposium on Augmented Reality, pp 177-178, New York, NY, Oct 2001. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W., Thomas, B., Hepworth, D., Gunther, B., and Demczuk, V. An Architecture for Outdoor Wearable Computers to Support Augmented Reality and Multimedia Applications. In 3rd Int'l Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, pp 70-73, Adelaide, SA, Aug 1999. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W., Gunther, B., and Thomas, B. Integrating Virtual and Augmented Realities in an Outdoor Application. In 2nd Int'l Workshop on Augmented Reality, pp 45-54, San Francisco, Ca, Oct 1999. |
[PDF] | Malbezin, P., Piekarski, W., and Thomas, B. H. Measuring ARToolKit Accuracy in Long Distance Tracking Experiments. In 1st Int'l Augmented Reality Toolkit Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, Sep 2002. |
[PDF] | Thomas, B. H., Krul, N., Close, B., and Piekarski, W. Usability and Playability Issues for ARQuake. In 1st Int'l Workshop on Entertainment Computing, Tokyo, Japan, May 2002. |
[PDF] | Thomas, B., Close, B., Donoghue, J., Squires, J., De Bondi, P., Morris, M., and Piekarski, W. ARQuake: An Outdoor/Indoor Augmented Reality First Person Application. In 4th Int'l Symposium on Wearable Computers, pp 139-146, Atlanta, Ga, Oct 2000. |
[PDF] | Thomas, B. H., Demczuk, V., Piekarski, W., Hepworth, D., and Gunther, B. A Wearable Computer System With Augmented Reality to Support Terrestrial Navigation. In 2nd Int'l Symposium on Wearable Computers, pp 168-171, Pittsburg, Pa, Oct 1998. |
Internationally refereed journals |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Through-Walls Collaboration. IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp 42-49, 2009. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. 3D Modelling with the Tinmith Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality System. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp 14-17, 2006. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. ARQuake: The Outdoor Augmented Reality Gaming System. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp 36-38, 2002. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. The Tinmith System - Demonstrating New Techniques for Mobile Augmented Reality Modelling. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp 82-97, 2002. |
[PDF] | Thomas, B. H., Quirchmayr, G., and Piekarski, W. Through Walls Communication for Medical Emergency Services. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 2002. |
[PDF] | Thomas, B. H., Close, B., Donoghue, J., Squires, J., De Bondi, P., and Piekarski, W. First Person Indoor/Outdoor Augmented Reality Application: ARQuake. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2002. |
[PDF] | Thomas, B. H. and Piekarski, W. Glove Based User Interaction Techniques for Augmented Reality in an Outdoor Environment. Virtual Reality: Research, Development, and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2002. |
[PDF] | Thomas, B. H., Piekarski, W., and Gunther, B. Using augmented reality to visualize architecture designs in an outdoor environment. Int'l Journal of Design Computing, Vol. 2, 2000. |
Nationally refereed conference papers |
[PDF] | Stafford, A., Thomas, B. H., and Piekarski, W. Comparison of Techniques for Mixed-Space Collaborative Navigation. In 10th Australasian User Interface Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, Jan 2009. |
[PDF] | Stafford, A., and Piekarski, W. User evaluation of god-like interaction techniques. In 9th Australasian User interface conference, Wollongong, NSW, Jan 2008. |
[PDF] | Avery, B., Piekarski, W., Warren, J., and Thomas, B. H. Evaluation of User Satisfaction and Learnability For Outdoor Augmented Reality Gaming. In 7th Australasian User Interface Conference, Hobart, Tas, Jan 2006. |
[PDF] | Avery, B., Thomas, B. H., Velikovsky, J., and Piekarski, W. Outdoor Augmented Reality Gaming on Five Dollars a Day. In 6th Australasian User Interface Conference, Newcastle, NSW, Jan 2005. |
[PDF] | Smith, R., Piekarski, W., and Wigley, G. Hand Tracking For Low Powered Mobile AR User Interfaces. In 6th Australasian User Interface Conference, Newcastle, NSW, Jan 2005. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. The Tinmith System - Demonstrating New Techniques for Mobile Augmented Reality Modelling. In 3rd Australasian User Interfaces Conference, Melbourne, Vic, Jan 2002. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W., Hepworth, D., Demczuk, V., Thomas, B., and Gunther, B. A Mobile Augmented Reality User Interface for Terrestrial Navigation. In 22nd Australasian Computer Science Conference, pp 122-133, Auckland, NZ, Jan 1999. |
Editing, book chapters, and theses |
[PDF] | Avery, B., Smith, R. T., Piekarski, W., and Thomas, B. H. Chapter 11 – Designing Outdoor Mixed Reality Hardware Systems. In The Engineering of Mixed Reality System. Eds, Dubois et al. Springer-Verlag. 2010. |
[N/A] | Piekarski, W. Real-Time 3D Design Modelling of Outdoor Structures Using Mobile Augmented Reality Systems. In Emerging Technologies of Augmented Reality - Interfaces and Design. Eds, Haller, M., Billinghurst, M., and Thomas, B. 2007. |
[N/A] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Outdoor Augmented Reality Technology and the Military. In Space Time Play - On the Synergy between Computer Games, Architecture, and Urbanism. Birkhäuser Publishing, 2007. |
[N/A] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Tinmith Mobile Outdoor 3D Modelling Using Augmented Reality. In Space Time Play - On the Synergy between Computer Games, Architecture, and Urbanism. Birkhäuser Publishing, 2007. |
[N/A] | Thomas, B. H. and Piekarski, W. ARQuake. In Space Time Play - On the Synergy between Computer Games, Architecture, and Urbanism. Birkhäuser Publishing, 2007. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Future Use of Augmented Reality for Environmental and Landscape Planners. In E. Lange and I. Bishop, Visualization In Landscape and Environmental Planning, Taylor and Francis Books Ltd, 2005. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. Interactive 3D Modelling In Outdoor Augmented Reality Worlds. PhD Thesis, School of Computer and Information Science, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, 2004. |
Technical reports and other publications |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. Hacking Your Own Virtual Reality For Fun And Profit. In 5th Australian Linux Conference, Adelaide, SA, Jan 2004. Notes: 2004 2005.
| [PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. ARQuake - Modifications and Hardware for Outdoor Augmented Reality Gaming. In 4th Australian Linux Conference, Perth, WA, Jan 2003.
| [PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Tinmith-evo5 - A Software Architecture for Supporting Research Into Outdoor Augmented Reality Environments. Technical Report, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Report No. CIS-02-001, Jan 2002. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Unifying Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality User Interfaces. Technical Report, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Jan 2002. |
[PDF] | Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B. H. Tinmith - Augmented Reality With Wearable Computers Running Linux. In 2nd Australian Linux Conference, Sydney, NSW, Jan 2001.

user performing 3D modelling task outdoors using wireless gloves and tinmith system 2006

example showing an AR user viewing various 3D virtual objects overlaid onto the physical world

user manipulating a 3D virtual object using the gloves

user performing a real-time carving operation to create a model overlaid on top of a physical building

ARQuake game running outdoors, showing virtual monsters overlaid onto the physical world

a tree created using the surface of revolution technique overlaid onto the physical world

Demonstration of the HOG table, showing how an indoor user's hand can be captured and shown to an outdoor user with a wireless network

Rear-view of the 2006 tinmith system

example showing how the user interface links up to the fingers on the user's gloves